Unearthing the Unexpected: This Man Found Hidden Secrets Right Beneath His Driveway

By: Stephen Thompson | Published: Nov 01, 2023

Not many people have experienced something completely mysterious in their lives. It’s even more difficult to believe when other people share their experiences. A man named Simon Marks experienced something paranormal in his home one day, and you’ll never believe what he found.

An ordinary event took place one day, and although it seemed like it would be just another day for Mark, it led him to discover something of historical significance. What Simon found was both scary and exciting. Want to find out what Simon found that was so chilling? Keep reading!

Enter Simon Marks

It was October 2016 at the Luton, England, home of Simon Marks. Marks, a computer support technician, had recently purchased the home and was quite proud of himself.


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He had just settled in and hoped to continue living as always. However, one morning changed everything. It started like any other normal morning on a normal day, but no one could have guessed what would happen next.


Taking a Leap of Faith

You never know what you’re getting when buying a home. Marks believed he was getting a good bargain—one simply too good to pass it up. He signed the paperwork and made the payment.


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Simon never stopped to wonder why the previous owner would be looking to get rid of the house. He had no idea the secrets the house was holding, or that he would be the one to discover them.

The First Night in His New Home

A few months after making payments and signing the paperwork, Simon was ready to move into his new home. He spent the first night unpacking boxes and coming to terms with the fact that he was starting a new life.


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It had been a tiring weekend, and when Simon climbed into bed, he simply wanted to doze off and sleep well. However, he heard a strange noise while waiting for the sandman to come.

Listening For the Culprit

Simon first assumed he had imagined the noise while setting the alarm, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. He kept quiet and tried not to make any noise. It wasn’t long before he heard the sound again.


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Simon discovered it was coming from outside and sounded like gravel scraping against metal. He looked out the window and saw nothing. Simon assumed it was an animal in his driveway. Since he hadn’t spotted anything during his short investigation, it had to be under the driveway. Exhausted, he went back to bed.

Attributing the Noise to the Usual Suspects

Just as he was dozing off, he remembered his driveway was completely paved. How was an animal going to breathe in such a space? He dismissed the idea and decided to check it out in the morning.

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He was entirely unaware that his life was about to change the following morning. What Simon eventually found blew his mind off and may surprise you as well.


An Unexpected Bump in the Driveway

When Simon woke up the following day, the event of the past night was entirely out of his mind. It was the weekend, and Simon was determined to have the best time. He had been in the office all week and wanted to relax and spend time with the family this weekend.


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Simon hit a bump as he got ready to pull out of his driveway that morning. The unexpected obstacle made him pause, but he didn’t think much of it. 


The Roadblock to Discovery

The driveway was the first piece of the puzzle he was about to assemble, but Simon didn’t know then. The small bump was about to lead him to an incredible chain of events. But at that moment, Simon simply wanted to hit the road.

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Simon’s car had always been reliable, so he knew it wasn’t the problem. However, he couldn’t fathom what was causing the block. Although he couldn’t wait to leave the house, it seemed he wasn’t going anywhere.


A Pestering Feeling

Simon wasn’t about to give up, so he tried again to reverse his car out of the driveway. However, it seemed the vehicle was determined not to move. Simon wasn’t going to give up, was he? This time, he hit the gas pedal hard, enough to propel him out of the driveway.


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Of course, Simon knew something must be wrong with the pavement. He decided he would have to deal with all of that when he returned home, and pursued his weekend plan.


Taking a Closer Look

Once Simon returned home from his hangout, he decided to take a closer look at the bump in his driveway. His first thought was that a piece of the pavement was poorly constructed. That was the most reasonable explanation.

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He also thought there was a chance a garden used to stand where his driveway now was, and the problem was an improper filling. If it were any of these issues, it would be easy to fix. 


Things Start to Quickly Deteriorate

Simon looked closer at the bump in his driveway, and his stomach dropped once he discovered what was happening right before his eyes. The driveway pavers were completely cracked, and his driveway caved in right before him.


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Simon jumped back to avoid falling into the hole in his driveway. He realized he was in over his head. His first thought was that his home was built on a sinkhole. If this was the case, it could easily threaten the stability of his new home.


Unwanted Visitors

Sinkholes appear like a visitor out of nowhere. When they do pop in, they can be quite brutal. Sinkholes form suddenly and then slowly grow larger. Some get so big that they swallow entire houses and towns.

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Simon was worried this would happen to his newly purchased home, but he was wrong—it wasn’t a sinkhole but something entirely different that had popped up. What was it? Simon was just about to find out.


A Historical Home

Simon knew his home was built during the 1970s by an old couple, but little else about it. The dangers around the home weren’t part of the information he received. As the dust settled, Simon saw something underneath the dirt.


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Nothing of this nature was in his homeownership plans, but he hadn’t asked many questions. Once he determined it was safe, he got on his toes and moved closer. Spotting something shiny beneath the earth, Simon started digging.


Buried Secrets Await Simon

The dirt beneath gave way easily, and Simon spotted metal beneath the soil. He got curious and a bit excited. What was lurking beneath the surface? Simon was determined to find out. Using his hand, he gripped the metal and pulled hard.

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The metal didn’t budge an inch. Simon decided he needed to dig even further, and he did this. Once he got more dirt out of the way, he could look closer at what was beneath the surface. He soon learned that it was attached to something.


Calling In Reinforcements

At this point, Simon took a step back. He got a terrifying feeling that his entire house would vanish, so he decided he needed help. Who was he going to call? Simon called the one person he trusted the most—his dad.


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He took some pictures and sent them to his dad, asking him to come over. Clearly, he wouldn’t be able to figure it all out alone, and he didn’t want to. So, Simon sat back and waited for reinforcements.


Coming to the Rescue

Simon’s father, Gerald, got to the scene quickly. He brought no tools with him as he didn’t know what to expect. However, with Gerald now in the scene, Simon felt emboldened to explore the strange hole further.

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With the help of his father, Simon removed the concrete in the way, giving way to a rectangular hole. They soon discovered the metal was a rusty ladder descending into the darkness. Although they were both scared, they wanted to see where it led and would never have guessed what they would find.


Descending Into Darkness

Although Simon had researched the home before he bought it, nothing could have prepared him for the mysterious passageway they had found. According to the reports, it was an empty field before the couple built their home.


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Once Simon and his dad had dug out 5 feet of dirt, they decided it was time to go investigate. As they explored, it soon became obvious this was man-made and not caused by nature. It was clear that someone had covered this up to ensure no one ever found it.


A Work in Progress

Despite the attempts to keep this covered, Simon and his father had discovered the secret and were determined to see it through. Exploring the hole was slow, but the duo wanted to discover the secrets underneath Simon’s home.

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Of course, the hole had become so big that Simon won’t be able to park his car in the driveway anymore. However, this was the least of his worries. What was underneath the hole? It wasn’t long before Simon found out.


Finding a Ray of Hope

Although Simon and Gerald were scared, they were even more excited. The first few steps down the ladder were taken with dread and anticipation for what waited beneath. Simon left nothing to chance, so he got a hold of some modern technology.


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Armed with his selfie stick and cell phone, Simon and his father kept descending. The fear of the unknown gripped him, but the burning curiosity for what lay underneath led the way.


Uncovering the Secret

Simon first saw underground passageways with two different rooms. When he bought the property, the couple had not mentioned there was anything underneath. It soon became clear that the sounds he had heard were earth falling into the secret rooms.

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It was clear the previous owners knew it was there and had decided to ignore it and fill it in. Simon was fascinated at his discovery and wondered about the story behind the secret rooms. It wasn’t long before he figured it out.


A Strategic Location

Simon and Gerald decided to take a break and carry out some research on the land. Their research led them to discover the land was strategically placed near a special community. The piece of the puzzle that pulled it all together was the time it was built.


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Simon’s dad believed the rooms underneath his home were an air raid shelter. A simple Google search made it clear it was built during World War II, and that’s when the story came together for Simon and Gerald.


Enter Sir John Anderson

In 1938, Sir John Anderson was tasked with preparing Britain for World War II with Nazi Germany. His objective was to create a plan to protect the citizens from air raids, and Sir John devised an ingenious plan.

Source: Wikipedia

He put together a team of engineers who created a simple underground shelter that could easily be buried in people’s backyards. The goal was to make the shelter accessible to residents during sudden impact.


A String of Shelters

Sir John was successful with his plan. In no time, there were over two million bomb shelters distributed across the country. However, Simon’s research revealed that these bomb shelters were created with a lightweight and flexible material.


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This was quite different from what Simon and his dad had discovered. The hole in his backyard was created with something entirely different. Its chambers’ walls were metal and not the typical Anderson designs seen online.


Discovering a New Design

Since this shelter was made of metal, it became clear what had happened: A bomb had landed nearby. Terrified, the citizens – who now knew their community was a target – decided to do something.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Although the citizens were panicking, they knew they needed a better hiding place than they had found. Therefore, they created a new plan to stay safe from incoming bombs and quickly got to work.


Building a Stronger Shelter

The community created a larger shelter that was even better than what Sir John had built. The new shelter was made with bricks and concrete, even stronger than Sir John’s lightweight materials.


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Although the German air force continued to tactically bomb parts of London, the residents of Luton stayed safe in their shelter. To corroborate their beliefs, Simon and his dad discovered a newspaper clipping from World War II with a headline reading, “Luton Airport – Is This the End?”


Finding More Evidence to Confirm Their Hunch

Simon and his dad discovered evidence that the bomb shelter had food and water to sustain the residents. People had to stay in the shelter for several days, and the food and water kept them alive.

Source: Flickr

Although Simon and his dad found another room bricked up, he was reluctant to keep searching. They were down five feet, and Simon didn’t want to dig further. Although they stopped digging, Simon’s adventure didn’t fade away.


The Astounding Revelation Draws Attention

News reporters and neighbors made their way to the driveway to take a look at this fascinating discovery. Although Simon wasn’t completely happy about the attention, he knew this was a piece of history he couldn’t cover up.


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Simon believed he was obligated to show his country’s rich history. He didn’t want this piece of history to simply be forgotten. He hopes by sharing his story, it will be preserved for future generations.
