You’ve Got This! Easy Parenting Tips All Parents Will Appreciate
Is there any job harder than parenting? As a parent, you’re thrown into a challenging position as a nurse, psychologist, lawyer, chauffeur, and so much more, with no time off. It’s overwhelming, and we’re here to help.
It’s surprising how the simplest trick can make your day just that much easier. So we salute you as you raise these tiny humans and hope these tips help a little.
Little Kids vs. High Sink
Can you count the number of times each day you tell the kids to wash their hands? How can they get so dirty so fast? So, off they go to the sink, which is where they need you to pick them up so they can reach.

Source: Pinterest
Here’s a solution. Cut up an empty shampoo bottle, creating a more extended faucet that is easier to reach. Then, show the kids what you’re doing; it’s a great lesson in re-purposing plastics to save the environment.
The Fake-Out
One of the most challenging moments in parenting is trying to get kids to take their medicine. Medicine time can be a real battle.

Source: Pinterest
Here’s a fake-out that will work on very little kids (the older ones will wise up to you). Take a straw and insert it into the medicine bottle. Then hide the medicine bottle behind a can of soda. Hopefully, they’ll think they’re getting a soda treat and sip away – mission accomplished.
Pants become Shorts
We pull out last year’s summer clothes in the spring and see what the kids need for the coming season. So often, they’ve grown out of everything from last year. But if you can sew, we have a solution that does not involve spending a day at the mall.

@Source: Pinterest
Choose winter jeans that won’t fit next winter, then cut them down to make them into shorts. You can leave the hem unsewn or, for girls, sew some cute bandanas on the hems.
I’m Just Going to Lie Down for a Minute…
Any parent’s fiercest wish is to “lie down for a minute.” It’s almost impossible to rest during the day when you have kids running around. But, surprise – while you catch a quick nap, your back can be the entertainment.

Source: Pinterest
Take an old tee shirt and draw a design on it. Then, your kids can play whatever game you’ve drawn. So you get some rest and an added back massage, and your kids are right near you, not getting into trouble.
Bandaids 2.0
“Don’t stick your fingers in the sockets!” is the cry of every parent everywhere. And the surest way to get a toddler to do something is to tell them not to do it.

Source: Pinterest
You can buy special socket locks, but if you’re somewhere where this precaution hasn’t been taken, whip out a couple of bandaids and cover the sockets. Of course, you can also use cellophane tape, but you get the idea.
Good Reason to Get a Dog?
It’s hard to believe how fast babies crawl when they see something they want. Everything looks so tempting to them, especially cabinet doors. Of course, you can buy cabinet locks, but if you are in a bind and need to protect that crawler from whatever lies inside, here’s a tip.

Source: Pinterest
If you have a dog, clasp the dog collars around the cabinet handles. They’re not even that bad looking and do the job. If you don’t have a dog, maybe it’s time to get one.
Color-coded Clock
Visual reminders are perfect for kids. It’s hard for them to remember times and tasks, but a colorful reminder system is a huge help. And something posted on the wall is even better – they can easily refer to it when they’re unsure about what to do next.

Source: Pinterest
What a genius idea, and it doesn’t cost a penny. Take your home wall clock and color in the times for their tasks. One quick look will remind them what it’s time to do.
Multiply their Knowledge
We love this idea. Make your steps into a multiplication table. It’s colorful and fun, and the kids will learn their multiplication tables each time they go up the steps.

Source: Commune-info
All you need is some colorful paper, markers, and cellophane tape. Have the kids help you set this up, and make sure to recite the multiplication facts yourself as you walk up the steps to set a good example.
Send the Dolls to the Salon
Any kid that has a favorite doll has probably had the experience of the doll hair on the left. That wild hair needs a good trip to the salon. Luckily, this combination can make your kid’s doll look brand new.

Source: Indulgy
Get your spray bottle and add 2 tablespoons of fabric softener and water. This is a makeshift detangler spray. You can brush your own daughter’s hair while she brushes her doll’s hair.
No More Slippy Socks
No parent ever wants to see their kid slip on the hard floor. And as every parent knows, it is nearly impossible to get the kids to stop running, so what’s the solution? Make the socks non-slip socks that double as an art project.

Source: Taringa
Buy sock slick paint and get creative! Get the kids involved. You can paint whatever you want on the bottoms of the socks and it’ll make them less slippery. The kids will love the fun designs and you won’t have to worry about them slipping and falling.
Turn That Old Crib Into Something New
When the kids outgrow their cribs and make the jump into big-kid beds, you don’t need to throw the crib away! You can repurpose the crib as a desk for the kids to do arts and crafts or school work.

Source: Casadecorar
You can get creative with how you want it to look, but the kids will appreciate having a palace designated to unleash their creativity!
Turn the Crib Into a Tent
When the kids begin to crawl, they start making strides to go all over the place. They can be hard to keep track of! If you need to protect the kids from the sun while you’re doing some yard work, this is for you.

Source: Tilestwra
Bring out the playpen or portable crib into the yard and just place a fitted sheet over the crib. They’ll be preoccupied with their toys and protected from the sun while you get some gardening done.
A Crib for the Cook
This is a great way to keep the kids away from the hot grill. Baby gates can be used for more than just the stairs. Put a gate around the barbecue so the kids steer clear of the hot grill.

Source: Ladbabyofficial/ Instagram
Now you can have all the neighbors over and the kids can run around without you worrying about them getting too close to the fire. So, plan that fourth of July bash!
Get the Girls to Stop Wearing Short Shorts
Most daughters grow up to that age where they want to start wearing clothing that their parents might not necessarily approve of. This dad had the perfect solution to stop his daughter from wearing the short shorts.

Source: Karmadecay
He wore them himself so that she would no longer think that fashion choice was all that stylish. What are parents for if not to embarrass the kids?
Put the Kids in the Cubicles
The only thing more difficult than raising a kid is raising more than one at the same time. This dad found that the solution to get the kids to stop bothering each other in the back seat is to put up some dividers.

Source: Onedio
It won’t stop them from screaming but it will stop them from hitting each other or grabbing each other’s hair. Now you can focus on keeping your eyes on the road.
No-Slip Shoes
We’ve seen how we can turn socks into non-slip socks, but this is a great way to make sure they don’t slip in their shoes either! Get out the hot glue gun.

Source: The krazycouponlady
Make some squiggles on the bottom of their shoes with the hot glue. You can also write their name or draw a design with the glue if you’re feeling creative.
Make Bathtime More Fun
If you’ve ever wrangled your kids to get them into the bath, then this hack is definitely for you. This is an easy way to make bathtime much more fun for the kids and you won’t have to spend as much time convincing them to get clean.

Source: Happyhomefairy
Throw some glowsticks into the bath to make it a party! This will make them more excited for bathtime and will save you tons of time.
Monster Spray
This is a cute way to help your kids feel more confident that those monsters in the closet or under the bed can’t get to them. Decorate a spray bottle and label it as “monster spray”.

Source: Happygoluckyblog
Leave it with your kids before bed and they can spray away any monsters that might be lingering in the dark. It might save you from having to put them back to sleep a hundred times a night.
The Old French Fry Trick
Getting the kids to eat their fruits and vegetables is the difficult fate almost every parent has faced while raising their young ones. They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, so they need those fruits in their diet!

Source: Onedio
Cut up the apples into fry-shaped sticks and they won’t even know the difference. Obviously, this won’t work for your older ones but when they’re young a fry is a fry!
Keep The Wheels Clean
This is a great way to repurpose those shower caps many of us have laying around. If you don’t have any at the house, consider picking some up from the dollar store for this easy mud-free hack.

Source: Sarah hitchins/ Facebook
Put the caps on the wheels of your stroller so that you can strip them off before you track mud through the house or some other building.
Keep the Ice Pops Organized
Ice pops are one of the best treats for summer and the kids absolutely love them. One way to make sure they stay organized and you can guarantee a clean cut from the top is keeping them slotted in between the freezer racks.

Source: Rogerdat143/ Reddit
They’ll freeze with all the goodness at the bottom of the plastic bottle and you can cut the top off and enjoy it nice and clean. It’s the little things!
Blanket Forts Are So Over
Okay, blanket forts might still be just as fun as they’ve always been. But, this blanket hammock is another way you can turn your regular old blanket into a hangout spot for the kids.

Source: Babyelephantears
Just scoop it under the table and tue it on the top. The kids can hang out and swing. You’ll save them from that boredom and be able to get some stuff done around the house while they’re occupied.
Soothe a Sore Tooth
There are tons of hacks to help your babies through the teething stage. This painful age is difficult for both the kids going through it and the parents having to deal with it.

Source: Anwjohnston/ Blogspot
Fill an ice tray with milk or formula and pop their pacifiers in them to freeze. The frozen milk will soothe their aching teeth and you won’t have to hear as much wailing.
Safe Guard the Trampoline
Kids can be occupied with a trampoline for hours, and we can’t blame them. Bounding around is fun! But, as they grow up they start to experiment with more and more dangerous tricks, and by the time they’re doing backflips, the parents are holding their breaths.

Source: Organizedchaosonline
Make the trampoline a little safer with this simple DIY hack. Cup up pool noodles and use them to cover the springs of the trampoline. This way, they can’t pinch their fingers on the springs
DIY Baby Bumper
Spekaing of pool noodles, there is more than one way you can use them to hack the whole parenting thing! If you’re worried about the kids rolling out of bed, especially if they have a bunk bed, try out this hack.

Source: Tastyganics
Place a pool noodle under your kid’s fitted sheet in their bed. This will provide something of a bumper that will prevent them from rolling out of bed. They sleep soundly, and you can too.
Get The Kids Tatted
Now we would never recommend that any parent give their kids an actual tattoo, but these temporary tattoos are an excellent safety measure for the rascals that like to run around.

Source: Tottoos
You can have these made with whatever information you’d like. Put their name or your phone number on the temporary tattoos and if they run off someone will be able to help them get back to you.
Transporting the Team’s Drinks
If you’re in charge of getting the snacks and drinks for your son or daughter’s sports team, this is a great way to transport tons of drinks. Use a muffin pan to bring all those cups to the team!

Source: Tetsfillthevan/ Blogspot
This is also an excellent way for parents with big families to bring the drinks home from the restaurant.
Sweeping Experts
Kids create messes, and there’s no real way around it. But, you can teach them how to clean up after themselves and make it into a kind of game.

Source: Twentytwowords
Put some tape in a square and ask them to sweep up anything on the floor into the square. This makes it manageable for the little ones and helps you out from having to gather stuff from all over the ground. They might even enjoy helping!
A Helping Hand
If you have a kid that needs you to have a hand on them at all times, this is a perfect solution for you to regain control of both your arms! We don’t always have a hand to spare.

Source: Pholder
Fill a glove with rice and sew it up at the end. Place it on your child’s back as they fall asleep. The weight of it will comfort them and make them feel like you’re there with them.